Everyone wants to make Mom happy on Mothers' Day and one of the best ways for either children or spouses who don't come to church regularly is to join Mom for church on Mother's Day!
Following the images below are links to editable Canva files and MS Publisher and PDF files for you to modify and use however you want.
Below the images of the social media are links that will take you to the Canva files and MS Publisher files where you can modify them however you wish, adding your church's specific event information, or referring them to another place for it. Regardless of where you direct them, be very clear as these messages may be forwarded (hopefully they will be) to someone who may not be familiar with your church and exactly where you are or when you meet.
There is a second set of layouts that were created using AI-generated images. To go to that free set, CLICK HERE.
For the Canva Files of Free Mother's Day Social Media Images, click on the links below.
Standard Images INSTAGRAM SIZE
Standard Images FACEBOOK SIZE
Standard Images POSTCARD SIZE https://www.canva.com/design/DAFg_FZT2E8/nOCTMODeo93VQgNlSoNRSA/edit?utm_content=DAFg_FZT2E8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
For the MS Publisher file of Free Mother's Day Postcards or for the image in PDF format, download the ZIP file below to your computer, open, and modify as you wish.
To download the ZIP file, click on the following link: https://www.effectivechurchcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/MOTHERS-DAY-POSTCARDS-SET-1.zip
REMEMBER the most important reason for using these invitations
Of course, you want to make Moms happy by inviting their loved ones to attend church with them, but remember that this is a fantastic opportunity to share the good news of salvation in Jesus with family members who may not have heard it or responded to it.
Do honor Mothers on this day, but most of all, with all the unchurched family members who will attend this day, be sure to make it one of your best outreach days of the year.