Who would have imagined the oldest way to communicate—with our voice—would be the latest, greatest thing in communications?
Even more, who would have imagined that one of the oldest technologies—radio—would be the basis for it?
But here we are with podcasts, a booming area of communications that literally anyone can do.
Effective Church Communications and podcasts
If you've been part of Effective Church Communications for some time, you know I've done a number of podcasts. I did a moderate amount of radio in the past, love the format and have done a lot of teaching and speaking so it seemed like a natural tool.
As with many things, the technology of it was very scary and that put me off for some time until I realized how simple it could be (this is an EXTREME simplification and I hope to do some videos to explain it more) with free Audacity and Lame software, plus an inexpensive headset microphone from Target (that's how I create mine).
Creating them was easy, what to do next was hard. I've tried various systems, all time-consuming and though the storage and distribution systems didn't cost a lot, it is a monthly cost. But the biggest challenge was HOW to distribute them? Yes, there are all sorts of ways to do that, but my brain was stretched enough just getting the podcast done and available.