This falls under the category of putting your own oxygen mask on first before you help someone else.
YOU have to be spiritually strong if you are going to successfully serve in the ministry of Church Communications in the coming year. To do that, you need to be strong in God's Word and I know from many years of experience that the BEST way to do this is to read through the Bible Chronologically. I've done it this way for many years and this year I'm not only encouraging you to do it, but I started a podcast, Bible 805 that is available on iTunes and many other sources that will guide you through the readings.
The podcast initially has a foundation series of Podcasts, "Truth and History" series that goes through why we can trust the Bible by showing how it is based on historical truth.
Then there is a podcast on the Six Benefits of Reading through the Bible in Chronological Order, I also have a copy of the text below that you can use however you'd like (be sure to read it through yourself) and finally, starting next week (after you've done a week of readings) I'll do a podcast from the Sunday School class I'm teaching on this. I plan to do a weekly podcast on this every week this year (pray for me....).
To also help you and if you want to encourage your congregations, I've created two schedules for this way of reading through the Bible that you can download below, one is a full-year, one page schedule and one is a bookmark I'm doing for my church (but I took my church info off it) that I'll do monthly and pass on as I go.
The PDFs of both are below, click on either image to download the file: [Read more...]