I'm in the process of updating a number of the Effective Church Communication books, but while I'm doing that I want you to have access to the useful materials in them.
One of the most helpful books (according to reader feedback) and by far my best seller has been this book on Connection Cards. The current print version does not have good resolution of images, but since I can give you images and templates on this website (CLICK HERE for some Connection Card Templates), the basic content is what is most helpful.
I put that into a FREE KINDLE download--go to the amazon page HERE to get it.
Don't have a Kindle? You can read it with an app for your computer—below are directions on how to get it.
Check out the directions below to download the Kindle app for your computer
VERY IMPORTANT TIP: Get the app for your computer for a great aid in preparing lessons or reading any Kindle book.
When I am preparing a Sunday School lesson or Bible blog (for my www.bible805.com) I like to consult and quote Bible reference books. I have a number of them in the Kindle version. What is handy is when you have it on your computer you can cut and paste into MS Word files—so much easier than typing long quotes.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!