This section has Resources and Links to help you explore the Christian faith, to explain the Christian faith, and to help people grow in spiritual maturity as a Christian. Just click on the links below to check them out.
Most of the sites below have added links to similar sites that might explain what it means to be a Christian and the truths of the Christian faith in another way.
As a church communicator you need to be assured and solid in your faith to communicate it effectively to others--these sites will help assure you of the eternal importance of your work.
In addition, the material here needs to be passed on to your congregation. Take a few minutes when you can to look over the material on these sites and link to and reference it in your church outreach and discipleship materials. We want our people to be able to answer questions about the Christian faith with peace and confidence.
Websites for those exploring the Christian faith
Christian Research Institute
This is the website of the Christian Research Institute and Hank Hanegraff, the Bible Answer Man-it has been redesigned and is a challenge to find the fantastic resources on it, but if you go to the search bar, bottom left corner of the home page, and type in a topic, it will take you to a list of their great, free articles.
Who is Jesus?
Lots of questions answered here about Jesus.
Need Him
This site approaches questions about the Christian life from the perspective of various life stages.
Campus Crusade for Christ
Lots of information for those exploring the Christian life and for those who want to live it.
Lee Strobel's Video website about the Christian faith http://www.leestrobel.com/channels/Christ.php
This site has videos with short interviews that explain the basics of the Christian faith--this link takes you to the one about Jesus.
Websites for defending the Christian faith and answering questions about it
Apologetics 315
An apologetics resources site including audio, debates, podcasts, book reviews and more.
An Apologetics Reading Plan for Beginners
An excellent article not only for those who want to learn how to defend the Christian faith, but for those who want to explore the Christian faith.
Lee Strobel's Video website about the Christian faith
This site has videos with short interviews that explain the basics of the Christian faith--this link takes you to the one about Jesus.
The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
A site that analyzes religious and non-religious movements and compares them to the Bible.
Websites for those wanting to grow in the Christian faith
Ten Action Steps for a New Christian,
A simple, yet vitally important list of the actions important for a new Christian, with clear explanations.
Our Daily Bread
A wonderful daily devotional for both new and more mature Christians.
Radio Bible Class Ministries
There are a wealth of resources on this site for growing in your Christian life. There are Bible reading plans, articles on finding a church, answers to many questions people have about the Christian faith.
Into Thy Word
A wonderful site that will teach you how to study the Bile, lots of great Bible study articles, fantastic links on their Bible Study Tools page, lots of great information. Highly recommended.
A very fun site and educational site. This site has the links to many Christian radio stations. You can listen to your favorite radio preachers live here and can download messages.
The Blue Letter Bible
A classic site of free Bible study tools: commentaries, maps, all sorts of study guides. This is a fantasttic site.