Effective Church Communications provides Timeless Strategy and Biblical Inspiration to help churches create communications that fully fulfill the Great Commission
Effective Church Communications provides Timeless Strategy and a Biblical Perspective to help churches create communications that fully fulfill the Great Commission. Our tools constantly change; our task doesn’t; we can help.
Family members who don't come any other time of year may visit your church for Mother's Day. Here is a bulletin insert or flyer you can use to encourage your congregation to pray for them.
Flowers and candy are nice, but for many Mothers the desire of their heart is that those family members, spouses and children who don't know Jesus would come to Him. Mother's Day is a fantastic opportunity to reach out to these loved ones and the bulletin insert/flyer/or text however you want to use it is a way to involve your church in praying for them.
Below are images of the flyers and below them is a link to a ZIP file that has PDFs of them that are ready to print and use, editable MS Publisher files, and jpeg images for you to use to share in publications encouraging your congregation to pray.
Below is the text from the handouts for you to use in any way you want, no attribution or credit required:
Our church has an opportunity to pray with Mothers in preparation for Mother’s Day because out of all the Sundays of the year, this is the one Sunday unchurched children and spouses may come to church to make Mom happy.
So below is a place for you to list the names of people the Mothers you know would like you to pray for. Ask for prayer requests and remember to not only ask biological Mothers, but the many spiritual Mothers in our church, who may have spiritual children in their lives that are precious to them and who they want to come to know Jesus.
In addition to praying for the guests who come, pray for our church body to put our prayers into practice by focusing on our unchurched guests on
Mother’s Day. Pray we will all be welcoming, that the sermon will touch hearts, that we will provide materials for unchurched spouses, children, and friends to explore the Christian faith.
And most of all pray that this Mother’s Day will be one that will bring the greatest joy imaginable to a Mother—the knowledge that those she loves will spend forever with her and Jesus.
For even more motivation to make the most of Mother's Day, please check out this video
This video can totally change how your church celebrates Mother's Day and can make it into a time of significant outreach.
Click on the image to go to the video and notes on the Church Communications Training School. Please take time to watch it with your staff and discuss it—it can totally change how you approach Mother's Day. If you are a member of the Church Com Training School you have permission to show this video and make copies of handouts to the staff or any church communicators group you are part of without the rest of them having to be members.