Christmas carols are not only wonderful to sing this time of year, but many of the lines in them are both inspiring and encouraging to our faith.
My pastor recently preached a sermon challenging up as to whether we had room in our lives for Jesus. In addition to finding it personally motivating, I also realized it would make a great theme for a Christmas graphic, Instagram image, and postcard.
As is usual with these things, one thing led to another, and I created an entire set of images that you can use for whatever you want, plus they are formatted for Instagram and postcards. In addition, I did a layout of the postcards in MS Publisher and created ready-to-print PDFs that you can print off and use.
Below are pictures of the images and below the images are links to download a ZIP file that has them in various formats.
If you would like to create your own Christmas communications using Christmas Carols

All of the wording for the images below came from Christmas carols that are now in the Public Domain and that you can quote freely. Following is the link to a website that has a useful list of Christmas carols, both those that are in the Public Domain and those that are still under copyright protection:
Note: if a song you want isn't on the list above, simply google it, as I had to do for one I wanted.
After you know which ones are free to use, it is then helpful to have the words printed out. Here is a site that has that for you:
http://ldsguy.tripod.com/Christmas.carols.html [Read more...]