Here is an example of a very simple bulletin cover, that has a clear explanation of what is going on in the church service. Any church could create a cost-effective piece like this, though it would be especially appropriate for a church plant or one that is reaching out to unchurched people.
It would work well because it explains what is going on in a very friendly welcoming way and without jargon. It also doesn't look overly churchy. This is from an actual church bulletin and was given to me by a generous church communicator.
Following is information on how we created the image as well as the seeker and visitor friendly text for the bulletin cover.
How we created the image is illustrated in this video: Image editing excerpt from the video: Money and Time Saving Tips for Church Communications
Below is the text from the Bulletin that you can copy and use in your communications and below that is a ready-to-print PDF and editable MS Publisher template.
Thanks for
joining us today!Here is what you can expect:
Our Worship Service: We will begin with about 30-40 minutes of singing. Feel free to sit, stand, sing, dance or just listen as we express our worship to God using all of our heart, mind, soul and body. If you don’t know the songs, hang on, we’ll sing them a couple of times-and don’t worry, we didn’t know them at first either.The Message: A time of practical teaching from the Bible.
The Offering: This is a time for church members to share with the church financially how God has blessed them. If you are a visitor, don’t feel you have to contribute- the only gift we’d like from you is your Connection Card. Consider this service our
gift to you!Prayer Time: there will be people up front after the service to pray for any needs you may have. Please come up if interested!
Refreshments: Join us for coffee, lemonade and munchies in the lobby after the service.
Questions? Lots more information about our church,
Jesus, and the Christian faith:
www.churchwebsite.com; www.facebook page;
twitter, email address
Ready to Print PDF and Template
Click on the image below to download the ZIP file that has a ready-to-print PDF and a modifiable MS publisher template.